Today, on this singular solitary motionless day, I died. I exhaled
my last living loving breath.
You see, you've heard, you've even known, that today might be your last
ever day on this wonderful world but do you, we, or I, even consider that today might be the
day? Sure, of course, it’s obviously
something that we seldom think about but, today, I had no choice.
On this last day I imagined all of the things that I’d
wanted to do and, as I knew what was about to happen, I realised the wonders of
the world. What if this were you, tomorrow, a day next week, what would you do
and think before the event? Would you envision a wondrous rapture of woeful
Maybe you’d plan a trip to that special place that you've
put off forever or, maybe, you’d speak the unspoken words that have rested
within your tongue for an age. Would you run through fields like a crazy
person, would you relax in a bubble bath of splendour and bliss or, even, be
extra naughty and run wild throughout the day?
If I had a chance, if I’d have been given a choice, I’d have
visited the last remaining countries in Europe. I’d have kissed everyone
goodbye, in person, then smiled and laughed recalling the events of the long
gone world. I might have borrowed a car for a quick test drive or laughed in
the face of a politician. I’d have
written more, far more, expressed all that I needed to vanquish, required my
mind to state, but that offering has now vanished like the air that we seldom
Don’t be afraid, release less than a tear, today is the day
that I died and maybe I’ll live forever more. Think about it, realise the
premise, understand what I'm trying to say and act. We believe ourselves to be
immortal despite the evidence in our own skin. We understand the frailty of
life yet fail, utterly fail, to what we wish to do. Are we afraid? Are we trapped?
Maybe it’s a mixture of both. Money makes the world go round yet keeps us
shackled to chains of life and little substance. How much is enough? What happiness
shall it bring?
Today, this singular solitary motion filled day, I lived and
did that extra little bit. Do more. Be more. Set your goal and go for it. Today
might be your last day and after that… there’s nothing more to say.
In the last week 11,434 passed away in the U.K. I know that it’s easy to say but we really do
need to make our dreams come to life!
It’s been mentioned that I’m feeling depressed for writing these blog posts.
Not at all. I’m actually quite happy but, like writing a sad song or expressing
a thought, that moment or writing is that moment and not an expression of my
actual, living, daily emotional and physical state.