Monday 23 January 2023


If... the ‘what would be’ of the world. The unknown, the chance, the proposition of possibly something else. Do you, should you or, even, could you? Take the leap, make the chance a realistic wish and then, embrace whatever will be.

If... you decided to fall in love, with all the heart felt embraces, promises and beautiful chemicals, would you be ready for months of depression, solitude and weeks of self reflection if it fails? The fifty fifty of life never believes the early promises of a person, with another hope filled leap into the abyss.

If... you or I made a promise, would either person stand by that promise, through the thin, the very thick, along the ever changing 3d world? A promise is a promise is but a promise. We shall say the words, speak it, feel it, because then it’s real. Or is it?

If... you fell upon hard times, would you reach out to me, then remember how you treated others, my heart, your own feelings and more? The karma afforded by life, might only be our own thoughts within the cold lonely nights. The creature within is selfish but, upon a day, it can learn to be more. To do more.

If... you, I, we, allowed our ego to overwhelm and take the staring role within our lives, what type of person would we be? Maybe it would be too late, the implementation of such a state complete or, maybe, completely removed from within.

If... we built a home together, shared our dreams, communicated as Kings and Queens of the state, would a foundation be built that could last the tests of our time? We might hold childlike wounds within, allowing corruption, doubt and pain to sever the connection, or become stronger before the sun rises once again.

If... we communicated, each step of the way, expanding understanding, would that be an alien concept to two intelligent beings? The dictionary has thousands of words and yet, one word to break, heal, harm or help, all exist. Hardly ever spoken, never forgotten once it’s done, then exclaimed by a wounded consciousness.

If… one person found sustenance within the forms of change, understanding and self-education, would the universe care, blink or even notice? What would one person do, if they were dedicated to constantly improving, resolving the within for an improved outside. Some people listen, some people act but by then, by that point, the moment has moved away.

If… you traversed a mountain path, found the soul you were looking for, would you realise that it was within you all of this time? We seek, we ponder amongst the world’s venues and yet, we can find peace, prosperity, love, affection and warmth from one single source. Maybe it’s too late, maybe fashion, status and pomp is all that’s worthwhile within a life.

If… only if, we stop, stand still, close our eyes and inhale with thought and exhale with emotion. To feel, to think, at the exact same time, is but the magic of all ages or, do you believe in something else? Let’s ponder, let’s resolve, let’s find a suitable middle ground and maybe, just for a second maybe, we could all simply whisper… ‘if’.


Partially written 06.12.2022. 
Finished, today.

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