Monday 23 April 2018


There were times when I simply didn't know what to do, which way to turn, but, as always, there was a safe recourse. A rescue. A place and a face that I knew that I could call home, a haven of safety, a person that always had the right answer. For that, I thank you.

There were moments where I’d managed to stumble into another mess, a place of destruction, with tears amongst the fears springing forward into everything that I am. I knew that I had to rescue myself but, as above, I realised that I always had you to lean upon. For that, I thank you.

There were seconds when I could hardly stand, where the tears begged to be let loose but I forbid those seconds. I had to be strong, just as you’d been, had been, through my life. You made me understand that I could be a rock, within this world, moving for no force or reason. For that, I thank you.

There were months where I went without saying hello, the months that I now regret but I won’t worry, as you were still there when I did appear, or call, as that’s the kind of person you were. That ever forgiving vessel of love and warmth. For that, I thank you.

There were years that seemed to vanish at the speed of light, with your smile still managing to appear, through any of your own hidden tears, never wishing to bring harm or worry to my own life. Through a brick wall, or even one word, you always knew when something was wrong. No matter how hard I tried, you, always, knew. For that, I thank you.

For every little thing, for all of the mighty moments, you brought life into the world and here I still am. For the times, the moments, the many seconds and the small months, there won’t be a year that I won’t, ever, Thank You.

Thank you, Mum.

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